Diversity and inclusivity

ScreenSkills supports current and future generations of talent to flourish in the screen industries. We are committed to embedding diversity in all its forms, including geographic representation,  in the workforce we help to build. We, therefore, ask you to fill in a diversity monitoring form when you register with us.

All the information you provide is processed in accordance with UK General Data Protection Regulations 2021 (UK-GDPR) and any other applicable data protection legislation in the UK.  Please see our privacy policy for details.

We analyse the data, track the industry make-up over time and use our research to lobby government and industry. We also use this data to report to our funders on targets, and to inform decisions on which services we develop. 

We have also created the Work Well series, three e-learning modules designed to give everyone in the screen industries (film, television, animation, visual effects and games) tools to help create a better, more welcoming and inclusive place to work.